Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Love Quilt
For lovers only. By Lauren Howard. She's gonna kill me for writing this.
My 20 year old sister Lauren has a friend who has been in Italy all semester long. He teases her constantly about quilting. I'm not sure he even knows what quilting is. But Lauren is a sweet girl, and she decided to make him an Italy quilt.
This was a really family effort. I drew out the layout and offered logistical and color theory advice. My husband Jason drew major portions of it, namely, the awesome gladiator, and our mom (AKA the Craft Fairy) pretty much did all the work. Well, Lauren sewed the applique pieces on it, but mom assembled and quilted it.
If she breaks up with this guy, she better steal the quilt back. It's one of my favorite quilts ever.
It's mostly made with fusible webbing around the large shapes and the blanket stitch (blind hem will work as well) on mom's sewing machine. Mom quilted it freehand.
Here is the older post with more details and artist photos!
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YOU DID THIS WHILE I WAS IN THE ROOM!?!?! you sneaky wench...
This is so good (I don't think you are a wench). you have such a great fmily.
Have a great Christmas eve + let us know when you are heading south for the winter.
that is way good - I wish I had a craft fairy living in my house! (I did have a dish fairy while I was pregnant 25 yrs ago - wonder where he went?)
What a creative quilt! Amazing. Love the fun and simple back
Gorgeous! I think the same as you; that guy must be in your family forever or give the quilt back, lol...
man, that is one wicked cool quilt!
You forgot Sicilia and Sardegna...
Bravo, what phrase..., a magnificent idea