Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fall comes early in the Midwest

Oh, glorious fall. This is the time of year that I used to get incredibly homesick for Mizzou football season (just for the spirit, not the actual sporting, of course) driving on dirt roads and walking on the Katy Trail. Hmmm. I guess this year will just be that much more lovely.

On Saturday I'm volunteering at the famous Hatton Craft Fair, which admittedly is a little more um, country, than my usual, but still, it's a defining fall activity in this neck of the woods. They sell pumpkins, you can climb up in an old barn and slide out the hayloft on a slide. I mean, how much more American does it get than that?

Here's a link to Notley's shots of the day. It will be my first time there in more than 6 years.

Posted by Beth Howard @ 8:06 PM