Friday, February 01, 2008

My baby's new baby

Jason and I embarked on a very serious adventure last week. Well, basically, I picked out the car, and he bought it! It's a Honda Fit and we La-La-La-Love it! Neither one of us has ever had a new car (and it's kind of against my ideas of a financially responsible life) but the 2007's of this car are the SAME PRICE as the 2008's!!

It's truly an amazing car. All the seats fold down so flat that we can get up to 7feet 10 inches of length in there through the hatch back. IKEA (and art shows) here we come!! We said "goodbye" to Patti--his grandmother's Buick, but "hellooooo-Bert"!

Oh, and did I mention the 35miles per gallon? yeah. That's serious gas saving on a non-hybrid car budget.

Posted by Beth Howard @ 4:06 PM

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We bought our Fit in August, and we love it. Congrats on yours! Get ready to be asked if its a hybrid - almost everyone who has never seen a Fit asks us if it is.

Posted by Blogger .tif @ 10:51 AM #
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