Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Hot-Lanta and ShopSCAD!
My mom and sister Lauren came down for the long weekend, and I tricked them into going to Atlanta. Mission: Ikea and ShopSCAD. I'm pretty much infatuated with IKEA and their whole mojo there. And the Savannah College of Art and Design has a campus in Atlanta now, and a shop on Peachtree in Buckhead specifically for their alumni, staff and faculty.
This store is right up my alley. And probably yours too! Lots of hand made things from jewelry to artwork and quilts and clothing and purses. Very cool stuff. And it's pretty easy to get to from the interstate. It's right next to the Roxy Theatre pictured above.
And Ikea was a huge hit with Mom and Lauren. We had a shopping cart so full that we had to hold onto items as we rolled it so the wouldn't fall off. I bought a chair for my living room and for blog writing! and some other junk, you know.
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Those $1 + $2 items certainly add up, don't they? I have yet to make the trip, I generally wait until I go to see my parents which limits the amount I can buy since I can't schlep home big items on the plane, or too many little things either with the reduced weight limit on luggage- see, I have a plan for IKEA.
Don't lie. You were there to see Queensryche.