Monday, October 02, 2006

Starting Over Again...and Again

This is a story of heartbreak. And of resurrection. I'm doing a commission painting for this super cool guy I work with. This above is the image that he gave me to work from. Below are the sad attempts I had at the practice canvas. I thought before I paint it big (24 x 48!!) I'd try it small. Not so much. I had several moments of despair, and in the end, in a fit of rage, I smeared paint over it with a dowel rod straight from a can of paint left over from my dining room. It's name is "Swampwater" (appetizing, no?) I'm pretty happy about the way it turned out, after all that. Oy, the pain of an artist!! I didn't even take a photo of every single re-paint. I started from scratch no less than 4 times. I think I'm going to attempt the larger canvas soon.

p.s. I'm blushing over Angela's gushing blog about my class over the weekend. Thanks, Ang!

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Posted by Beth Howard @ 8:30 PM